European Roulette
European roulette is the most famous roulette version, which rules substantially were kept unchanged for over centuries.
A roulette consists of the following three components:
- A roulette table arranged into 36 numbered sections to place chips on.
- A roulette wheel consisting of 37 slots. The red numbers on the wheel are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, and 36. The black numbers are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 22, 20, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35. The “zero” (0) slot is green.
- A ball spinning around the roulette wheel.
The player’s aim is to guess where the ball will stop. In the European roulette all bets go by the name of inside and outside bets.
Inside bets:
- Straight Bet. The player bets on any single number. The payout for a winning bet is 35:1.
- Split Bet. The player bets on two numbers that are next to each other. The chip is placed on the line dividing the two numbers. The payout is 17:1.
- Street Bet. A chip is placed on the outer boundary line that separates the outside and inside betting areas. The payout for this bet is 11:1.
- Corner Bet (a four-number bet). A chip is placed at the intersection of the lines dividing the four numbers. The payout is 8 to 1.
- Line Bet (a wager on two lines, or six numbers). A chip is placed on the outer boundary line where it divides the two rows. Pays 5 to 1.
Outside bets:
- Column Bet (a wager on 12 numbers). You place a chip on any of the three boxes labeled “2 to 1”. Pays 2 to 1.
- Dozen Bet. This kind of bet is made by placing a chip in any of the three boxes marked “1st 12”, “2nd 12” or “3rd 12”. Pays 2 to 1.
- Even Money. You have a chance to win that equals the expected return on your wager. Even money bets are Red/Black, Odd/Even and High/Low. Pays 1 to 1.
European roulette is a very simple game to learn, but still players should have a good awareness of the types of bets. After looking into it, you’ll start enjoying the roulette and find the best possible odds.
Reviewed & updated:
15.01.2025 By gambling expert
Richard B.